Who Are The Sexual Minorities In Nigeria?

At International Centre for Sexual Reproductive Rights (INCRESE ), when we refer to sexual minorities, we define them based on the legal and socio-cultural contexts within which we work, as guided by international instruments. Specifically, the following groups are included:

  • Adolescent mothers
  • Survivors of rape and Gender-Based Violence
  • Returnees of trafficking
  • Internally displaced women and girls
  • Widows
  • Orphan and Vulnerable Children
  • People Living With HIV/AIDS
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Women and girls in the entertainment industry
  • Children working on the streets
  • Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation
  • Young women who use injectable drugs
  • Child laborers

These individuals and groups face unique challenges and vulnerabilities, and it’s important to recognize and support their rights and needs.

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