Who Are The Sexual Minorities In Nigeria?
At International Centre for Sexual Reproductive Rights (INCRESE ), when we refer to sexual minorities, we
Advocate for the sexual health and rights of society’s most disenfranchised groups and sexual minorities.
For ethical reasons, and in accordance to clauses from conventions, treaties and consensus documents, that guide implementation to be culturally sensitive and respectful of the laws of the land, INCRESE definition of most disadvantaged populations and sexual minorities are: survivors of rape and Gender Based Violence, child-brides, returnees of trafficking, internally displaced women and girls, widows, orphans and vulnerable children, people living With HIV/AIDS, persons with disabilities, women and girls in show biz, survivors of Female Genital Mutilation, child labourers including children who hawk in streets
Our definition of sexual minorities is based on the legal and socio-cultural contexts within which we work as advised by international instruments.
They are:
Adolescent mothers, survivors of rape and Gender Based Violence, returnees of trafficking, internally displaced women and girls, widows, Orphan and Vulnerable Children, People Living With HIV/AIDS, persons with disabilities, women and girls in show biz, Children hawking in streets, survivors of Female Genital Mutilation, young women Injectible Drug Users, and child labourers
The majority of Nigerian people appear to be uncomfortable in discussing issues relating to sexuality and reproduction. This has resulted in poor or abject lack information on sexual and reproductive health and rights among Nigerians, including policy makers at all levels
At International Centre for Sexual Reproductive Rights (INCRESE ), when we refer to sexual minorities, we
Sound values are very essential for peace of the society and the wellbeing of its
Sound values are very essential for peace of the society and the wellbeing of its